
A subsequent fulfilment of a pre-historic wish / 16 mm  / 2015 / 9:23 min

1.A Dance


   2.1.La Fatigue 


   2.3 Nature

3. An(n)a


5. a lost Artwork

"3 bis 4 Namen. Immer taucht sie auf. Im Park, eine Revolution. In der Natur ein Mythos.
Im Film ein Gesicht. Hier, hier und hier. Der Tod. Immer taucht er auf. Hier, Hier und Hier. 
Das Leben. Selten kommt es zu einem zurück."

A subsequent fulfilment of a pre-historic wish ist ein Film über den dubiosen Tod einer weibliche Künstlerin. Eine namenlose Erzählerin begibt sich auf die Spurensuche, schweift durch die fragmenthaften Sequenzen aus Ritualen, Schamanismus, Natur und Tod und findet nichts außer die Stücke einer zerbrochenen Erinnerung. Der Film nimmt Bezug auf Ana Mendieta und auf die Bedeutung von Tod, Flucht, Spiritualtität, Zugehorigkeit sowie auf die politischen Gegebenheiten. Eine verbindende Spur, eine Zeitschleife, zwischen dem Tod einer Künstlerin und die Frage rund um Tod und Verlust innerhalb der historischen und gegenwärtigen politischen Verhältnissen. Das Lückenhafte als Verbindung zum rätselhaften unaufgeklärten Tod. Ein Film als Spurensuche.

A subsequent fulfillment of a pre-historic wish is a film about the dubious death of a female artist. A nameless narrator sets out in search of traces, wandering through fragmentary sequences of ritual, shamanism, nature and death, finding nothing but the pieces of a broken memory. The film refers to Ana Mendieta and to the meaning of death, escape, spirituality, belonging, as well as to political realities. A connecting trace, a time loop, between the death of a female artist and the question around death and loss within the historical and present political circumstances. The incomplete as a connection to the mysterious unexplained death. A film as a search for traces.


Diagonale Film Festival, Austria, 2016

"Propelled by the work and mysterious death of the artist Ana Mendieta, Johannes Gierlinger reflects in minimal, substantial images on loss and memory, on the relationship between nature, art, and death. With subtle melancholy, the film searches for traces left behind by the artist—although not tangible, her presence can be felt in all of the images. A search that is like visual poetry.”

Rainer Kienböck, Jugend ohne Film

"Gierlinger searches for the Spanish-American artist Ana Mendieta, and this not in the form of a filthy artist biography, but rather free, poetic, associative. The rich colors and grainy 16mm film determine the frames of the film, on the soundtrack thoughts that can be loosely associated with the artist and her mysterious death. Regardless of that, the film works as a sensual film poem about art, life, game and revolution."

Karin Riegler, Vice-Rector for Education- Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
"To speak about this film as ambiguous would be an understatement. In fact we are confronated with a variety of soils - 
faced - layers. [...] this film can be read as a commentary on the artistic exploration of Ana Mendieta and her work of the last 30 years."

Kim Knowles, Edinburgh Int. Filmfestival - Black Box Section

"Told through a series of enigmatic tableaux, this film is inspired by the work of the artist Ana Mendieta who died in a dubious and controversial accident that provoked a wave of feminist protest. The filmmaker searches for the traces of the artist through fragments of memory. A meditation on nature, identity, and loss."

Francesco Cazzin, L´emerge del possibile

"Have you ever lost something? This is the fundamental question at the end of the film and it maintains the opportunity,
that we are existing. To ask this question means you admit a doubt, the doubt that things could not be like that; and 
Gierlinger is virtuoso by the moment in which he discovers that everything that has been lost is exactly the art."

Doku.Arts Film Festival Zeughauskino Berlin

"Gierlinger picks up the significant elements of Mendieta’s art – nature, death, spirituality, ritual – and thus links the fate of 
an individual to the universal human experience of loss and death." 

Deborah de Boer and Todd Eacrett, Deluge Contemporary Art 
"In A subsequent fulfilment of a pre-historic wish a lone woman dances for the Orishas, through the interwoven stories of Ana Mendieta, leaving, displacement, islands: revolutions both personal and political, roiling the “sea within herself.” How secure are we within our own narration, adrift in the mysteries of life and death? Is she her own lost artwork? "

∣ Credits ∣
Written and directed by Johannes Gierlinger Cinematograhpy & Editing by Johannes Gierlinger 
Sound Design by Flo Kindlinger Narration by Bronia Iwanczak Production Assistance by Eva Sommer 
Music by Broken Jokes Percussion by Christian Martinek
& Moussa Kone Produced by Johannes Gierlinger 
with Lilith Friedmann, Yusimi Moya Rodriguez, Frank Rottmann

Supported by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Mumok Vienna and Land Salzburg

∣ Screenings ∣ Exhibitions ∣
Mumok Cinema - Museum of Modern Art Stiftung Ludwig Vienna, 2015, Austria
Kunstforum Vienna - Tresor, 2015, Austria
Diagonale, Festival des Österreichischen Films, 2016, Austria
Edinburgh International Film Festival - Black Box Section, 2016, UK
Doku.Arts - Essaydox Berlin, 2016, Germany
Pravo Ljudski Film Festival Sarajevo, 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina
L'Alternativa, Festival de Cinema Independent de Barcelona, 2016, Spain
Austrian Cultural Forum New York - AASFF Filmfestival, 2016, USA
Filmtage Galerie Blaugelbezwettl 2016, Austria
Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata 2016, Argentina
Transcinema Festival Internacional de No Ficción Lima 2016, Peru
Marfici - Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Mar del Plata 2017, Argentina
Unexposed Film Festival 2017, USA
Cairo Video Festival 2017, Egypt
Experimental Film Festival Process Riga - Essayfilm Section 2017, Latvia
Artefact Moscow 2017, Russia
Proceso de Error - International Festival of Experimental Film Valparaíso 2017, Chile
Cineteca PUCV Valparaíso 2017, Chile
Kurzfilmkeller HFBK Hamburg 2017, Germany
La Muestra Internacional de Cine SURMIC, 2017, Chile
International Student Triennial Marmara University Istanbul 2017, Turkey
Aricadoc - Muestra de Cine Documenta at Universidad de Tarapacá 2017, Chile
Museo de Arte Moderno Chiloé, 2017, Chile
Kling & Bang Gallery 2017, Iceland
The Reading Room Bangkok 2017, Thailand
Temporal Disorder - Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, 2017, Germany (Solo)
Museos de Medianoche at Museo de Arte Moderno Chiloé, 2017, Chile
Oktoskop, 2018, Austria
Body + Camera Festival Mana Contemporary Chicago, 2019, USA
Werkschau - Flanieren. Erinnern. Träumen at Das Kino Salzburg 2019, Austria
Lokomotif Lentvaris , 2019, Lithuania
Elgalpon.Transcinema / Sala de Cine, Lima 2020, Peru
Mana Contemporary 2020, USA
Filmmaker Festival di Cinema Milano - Fuori Formato Section 2020, Italy

Short Waves Festival Poznan, 2021, Poland
Let’s Get Lost at Deluge Contemporary Art, 2023, Canada
Limburg Biënnale, Marres House of Contemporary Culture Maastricht, 2024, Netherlands
Millennium Film Workshop Brooklyn NY, 2025, USA