Die Ordnung der Träume / 16mm / Sound / 2017 / 30 min
Zwei Gespräche, zwei Städte; eine Frage: Ist der einzige heutige revolutionäre Gedanke, der den Träumenden schlafen zu lassen?
Die Ordnung der Träume ist ein filmisches Poem, das die Bewegung der Menschen, ihre Widerstände, deren geistige Tätigkeit und die Imagination ihrer Welten umkreist. Zwei sich Suchende, die nie zu Fündigen werden, dennoch stets im Gemeinsamen verharren. Zwei zweifelnde Figuren, deren Konversation durch die unter-schiedlichen Vorstellungen und der Skepsis am Gegenüber geprägt ist. In ständiger Anwesenheit, eine in die Gedankenströme der Figuren durchdringende Stimme; ein Reisender, ein Flaneur, ein kritischer Blick
des selbst Fragen aufwirft. Ein erkunden und betrachten der Welt, ein voyeuristischer Blick auf den Magier und seine Täuschungen, die Gläubigen und ihren Selbstgeißelungen, die Arbeiter, die Städte erbauen und Kinder, die junge Götter spielen. Die individuelle Imagination als Mittlerin zwischen dem Ich der Figuren und ihrer Welt. Eine Imagination, die Pforten kreiert, die immer wieder durchschritten werden, um ein temporäres Sein zu erschaffen. Erst durch den Blick der anderen werden sich die Figuren in Die Ordnung der Träume dem flüchtigen Moment ihrer Realität bewusst. Der Film ist eine Spurensuche nach der Ordnung einer Welt der Imagination, eine Welt der Blicke, einer Welt, die sich per se von jeglicher Ordnung entzieht.
Two conversations, two cities, the question: is the only revolutionary thought of today, to let the dreamer sleeping?
Die Ordnung der Träume is a film that revolves around the (e) motion of human beings, their resistance, their mental activity and the imagination of their worlds. Two people who search for each other, but miss to find, and yet remain in common. Two doubting figures whose conversation is characterized by the different perceptions and the skepticism on the other. In constant presence, a voice sinking into the thoughts of the figures; A traveler, a flaneur, a critical gaze that raises questions itself. An exploration and contemplation of the world; a gaze points at the magician and its deceptions, the faithful and their self-flagellation, the workers who build cities, and children who play young gods. Existential thoughts, dreams, politics and experiences of the characters collide. The individual imagination as intermediary between the ego of the characters and their world. An imagination that creates the doors, which are repeatedly crossed to create a temporary being. Only through the gaze of others, the characters in Die Ordnung der Träume become aware of this fleeting moment of reality. A film as a search for order, in a world of imagination, a world of politics and gazes, a world which per se detract from any order.
Elsewhere is a negative mirror. The traveler recognizes the little that is his, discovering the much he has not had and will never have.
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino
Diagonale Film Festival Austria 2017
"Eight essayist miniatures orbit the motif of the city, concentrated to an abstract picture puzzle of urbanity. Fragments of memory nebulously and dreamily acquiesce to an associative and likewise formally precise space of imagination. City, film, and dream play
on one another, entice with their symbols and with the risk of becoming lost in them."
Patrick Holzapfel - Jugend ohne Film - Endlose Weite der Territorien
"It is as if 'Die Ordnung der Träume' formulates the experience of a world which it also turns against. This is also an expression of what we must necessarily perceive today as a revolutionary gesture: the use of analogous possibilities and dreaming. As if you could only look, if one stumbles."
Francesco Cazzin, L´emerge del possibile
"What is said in Gierlinger´s film is ghostly and almost persecutory: If viewed from the images, it means that we are looking at our so-called inner world, through the dream for example, and this narrative becomes the attempt to return to reality, to form, to meaning, without being able to escape these images."
Severin Dünser, Curator at Belvedere21
"In 'Die Ordnung der Träume' we are confronted with a flood of associative images which evolve from the conversations of two man-woman constellations across two cities. Nothing appears palpable in this reflection of our reality, which is constantly rearranged. This world continually creates new images, imaginary images; the protagonists as representatives of us get all tangled up in debating their meanings, while stating that it is “the burden of these images” that “keeps people from dreaming.” In a concept of the imaginary as a space of resistance the film addresses viewers with the question: Should daydreamers be woken up, or should they be left to sleep?"
Andrea Kopranovic, Curator of 'A Passanger' at Salzburger Kunstverein
"Die Ordnung der Träume by Johannes Gierlinger displays a related contradiction. In loosely connected chapters, the poetic film depicts cities, conversations, imagination, political resistance and the subconscious. Guiding us gently and quietly, looks and hands lead us on a stroll through a scenery replete with a déjá-vus and meditative repetition."
∣ Credits ∣
Written and directed by Johannes Gierlinger ∣ Sounddesign by Peter ∣ Cinematography by Johannes Gierlinger ∣ Sound by Jan Zischka, Karl Wratschko, Jan Wielander ∣ Music by Moritz Nahold & Steph Mathewson ∣ Sound Assistent Max Schwidlinksi Production Assistent India by Ajay Kumar Pandey & Tatiana Biziukova ∣ Voice over by Lilith Friedmann ∣ Colors by Collective Kafka ∣ Technical Support by Claudio Santancini & Max Anelli-Monti ∣ Gaffer & Key Grip by Frank Rottmann ∣ Production Assistent and Set Manager Paula Tschira ∣ Produced by Johannes Gierlinger
With Martin Hemmer, Eva Sommer, Oliver Mathias Kratochwill, Gugdu B., Nancy Mensah-Offei, Steph Mathewson
Supported by Land Salzburg, Austrian Cultural Forum New Delhi, Cineart Styria,
Sofie Fohn-Stipendienstiftung, Kriti Gallery Varanasi, Stadt Salzburg, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
∣ Festivals ∣ Exhibitions ∣ Screenings ∣
Diagonale Graz - Innovatives Kino Section, 2017, Austria
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Aula - Birgit Jürgenssen Prize Exhibition 2017, Austria
Cinema Next - Das Kino Salzburg, 2018, Austria
Belvedere 21. Museum of Contemporary Art Vienna - The Value of Freedom, 2018, Austria
Salzburger Kunstverein - A Passanger, 2018, Austria
Kafe Lumiere - Filmvirus Wildtype 2019, Thailand
das weisse haus, 2019, Austria
Filmmaker Festival di Cinema Milano - Fuori Formato Section 2020, Italy
The Pugnant Film Series, 2023, Greece
Filmarchiv Metro Kino - Films from the Art Collection of the City Vienna, 2025, Austria
∣ Solo Screening ∣
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig - Temporal Disorder, 2017, Germany
Balkanroute - Jugend ohne Film Screening Series at Filmhaus Spittelberg, 2019
∣ Collection ∣
Sammlung Wien Museum